Teeth grinding is painful and bad for your oral health, so you shouldn’t have to worry about the safety of your mouth guard as well. We understand the health concerns around materials such as BPA, phthalates, MMA, etc. Pro Teeth Guard cares about the quality of the dental mouth guard material as well as safety and comfort of our customers. We only use non-toxic, FDA approved, professional dental industry materials to craft our custom fit non-toxic mouth guards.
Dental Mouth Guard Material Information
ProTeethGuard night guards are completely BPA-free, therefore BPA exposure is not a risk. In recent years, many people have become much more cognizant of potentially harmful chemicals contained in a wide range of plastic products. BPA (bisphenol A) is one such chemical which is used to harden the plastics found in water bottles, food cans, plastic containers, dental sealants, and many other manufactured commodities. While there is controversy in research surrounding the negative effects of BPA on the human body, studies on animals have found possible dangerous side effects. BPA exposure is related to a higher risk for the following:
- Infertility in men and women
- Heart disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Thyroid function problems
Visit Healthline for more information regarding BPA and its potential harmful side effects.
Fortunately, research concludes that BPA is only harmful in high levels of exposure. However, it is no surprise that bruxers want to know if this chemical is in the dental device that they will be placing in their mouths each night, especially since grinding can cause wear and tear on the plastic.
Luckily, teeth grinders can rest assured that our teeth night guards do not put them at risk of BPA exposure and our mouthguards are BPA-free mouth guards. All of our suppliers have confirmed that none of the products we use to create our teeth guards contain BPA.
Another concern that has been raised by bruxism patients seeking out a teeth night guard is whether the materials contain phthalates.
Most of our products are completely phthalate free. However, our hard acrylic night guard does contain dialkyl phthalate, a plasticizer that gives the material its thermoplastic nature, but this particular phthalate is not deemed dangerous by the CDC and is not to be confused with other chemicals with similar names. All of Pro Teeth Guard’s other products are completely phthalate-free.
The CDC defines phthalates as the following:
“Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more flexible and harder to break. They are often called plasticizers. Some phthalates are used as solvents (dissolving agents) for other materials.”
They are used in hundreds of commercial products, such as:
- Vinyl flooring
- Adhesives
- Detergents
- Automotive plastics
- Plastic clothes such as raincoats
- Personal-care products such as soaps, shampoos, hair sprays, and nail polishes
- Inflatable toys
- Packaging film and sheets
- Medical tubing
In regards to their effects on human health, the CDC comments, “Human health effects from exposure to low levels of phthalates are unknown. Some types of phthalates have affected the reproductive system of laboratory animals. More research is needed to assess the human health effects of exposure to phthalates.” As with any chemical substance, concern regarding the safety of phthalates is quite understandable. More information on phthalates can be found on the CDC's website here: https://www.cdc.gov/biomonitoring/phthalates_factsheet.html.
Acrylic appliances produced by professional dental labs undergo curing processes, so there is no risk of toxic exposure. For those individuals concerned about MMA exposure, we would recommend seeking out other alternatives different from our dental night guards.
We have received inquiries regarding the chemical MMA (methyl methacrylate), which is commonly used in the production of plastics and resins. In the past, this chemical was used in nail salons for the application of acrylic (fake) nails. The FDA received many serious complaints by salon-goers regarding the safety of this chemical, as it was causing severe irritation when applied as a liquid directly to the skin and nail bed. In response, the FDA prohibited its use in nail salons by the end of the 1970s.
The EPA explains that since then, methyl methacrylate has been used much differently for safer consumer purposes such as the creation of plexiglass, building siding, advertising signs, light fixtures, bathroom fixtures, and medical cement for bone replacements. These materials are not hazardous because MMA is safe when it is cured. The use of this compound in nail salons was dangerous because it was in liquid form.
Fortunately, all Pro Teeth Guard products are completely gluten-free so those with gluten sensitivity need not worry. According to Celiac.org, Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale – a cross between wheat and rye. Gluten helps food to maintain their shape by acting as a glue. Similarly, gluten is used in some materials such as medications and beauty products.
At Pro Teeth Guard, we have confirmed that our dental materials and mouth guards are latex-free. Latex allergies are a result of an immune system response to the proteins found in rubber latex. Natural rubber latex comes from the sap of the rubber tree. Mayo Clinic explains that latex exposure can occur through direct contact or inhalation.
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You can find more information regarding night guard materials in our blog article What are Night Guards Made of? Here at ProTeethGuard, we truly care about the health, wellness, and safety of our customers. That’s why we’ve selected only high-quality materials available to us in the dental industry for the creation of our dental appliances. Our products for nighttime teeth grinding include hard night guards, soft night guards, and hybrid night guards. We also provide an ultrathin daytime mouth guard for those who suffer from daytime grinding. If you clench or grind your teeth, and suffer from jaw pain as a result, one of our custom fit products may be the best mouthguard for you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our custom mouthguards, we’re always more than happy to research and answer your questions! Feel free to contact us at 1-888-467-5650 or contact us via the contact form.
- EPA Writing Staff. (2000). Methyl Methacrylate. United States Environmental Protection Agency. https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-09/documents/methyl-methacrylate.pdf
- Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020). Latex allergy. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/latex-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20374287
- Petre, A. (2018). What Is BPA and Why Is It Bad for You? Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-bpa#infant-health